MARINE CORPS RECRUIT DEPOT PARRIS ISLAND -- Marines have been participating in events sponsored by the SEMPERFIT Summer Challenge. The summer challenge was formulated to help keep Marines promote healthy lifestyle choices as well to help foster unit cohesion and camaraderie.
“We wanted to give everyone some different things to do,” said Kathy Williams, the Health Promotion Coordinator for the SEMPERFIT program. “We also were able to introduce the different programs that SEMPERFIT has to offer.”
Marines aboard Marine Recruit Depot Parris Island and Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort participated in different events individually or in teams earning points. The units with the most points and the runner-up get a bonus for their unit fund.
“There’s a first and second place for both Parris Island and the air station,” said Williams. “First place takes $1000 and second place takes $750 for their unit fund.”
Much more than just a unit fundraiser, the challenge started May 3rd and consists of 21 events spread between May and August. More than 20 units have participated since the start of the start of the challenge,
“”The idea is to give marines fun and entertaining things to do while away from home,” said Williams. “It’s also to help boost camaraderie and Esprit de corps within the units.”
Unit members have been encouraged to attend other events to earn points for the challenge. Participating in Tobacco Cessation classes, offered every Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., bowling, rock climbing, swimming and kayaking can earn extra points for their units.
“Our entire unit has been very active in all parts of the summer challenge,” Corporal Derek Bolden, a postal worker aboard Parris Island. “Participating in the competition has helped come together as well as get the added bonus of extra PT.”
The SEMPERFIT Summer Challenge has another 5k scheduled for August 18, and the unit points will be tallied August 31. There will also be a summer luau for all the participants taking place at the MCRD Pool on September 6th.
“The participation in the Summer challenge has been fantastic,” Said Williams. “The summer challenge is always a favorite with the command and junior Marines and were just glad we can bring Marines together as a unit while still having fun.”