MARINE CORPS AIR STATION BEAUFORT, S.C. -- This year dozens of Marines will be detained due to alcohol related incidents.
Alcohol impairment depends on many factors from weight, body fat percentage, gender and the amount of alcohol consumed compared to how much food is in a person’s
stomach while they drink.
“Whenever there is an accident, one of the first things that investigating authorities check is if alcohol was involved,” said Staff Sgt. David Wilshire, an accident investigation
chief with the Provost Marshal’s Office aboard Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort. “Having fun responsibly means knowing your limits when you go out and drink. Most incidents can be avoided. Taking five minutes to come up with a simple plan can save lives.”
Out in town, the DUI illegal limitation law mirrors that of MCAS Beaufort as far as blood alcohol concentration percentages are concerned, with 0.08 percent being the maximum limit. Depending on the circumstances of your offense, you may receive a DUI or alcohol-related violation even if your BAC is under the legal limit just by displaying signs that are consistent with a person who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
“As one cohesive base of Marines and Sailors, we all have a responsibility to look out for each other,” said Adam Grey, a traffic safety officer with MCAS Beaufort. “It’s the mentality of never leaving a fellow Marine behind. There are so many different tools that are available to prevent these kinds of violations. Taxis are available for use by the Marines as well as other secondary ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft. Squadrons on base offer arrive alive cards and the MAG started a new program as well.”
Marine Aircraft Group-31 has a program called the Volunteer Driving Program. According to Group Order 5353.1, the program provides transportation to and from liberty establishments for all headquarters and subordinate unit Marines and Sailors.
“A DUI charge can range anywhere from $8,000 to $10,000,” Wilshire said. “The part people forget the most is that if you get arrested out in town that you will be tried on base as well.You can expect to lose your driving privileges on base for up to a year and you’re not going to have a good time paying your legal fees after you’ve been demoted."
As we approach the end of the year, alcohol tends to be served at parties and unit functions, have a plan before going out. Marines shouldn’t have to worry about jeopardizing their careers over avoidable mistakes.
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