Drivers must be registered in DBIDS or have another approved access token (CAC/Teslin).
Drivers without DBIDS or other access token will not be allowed to access the installation. The passenger/fare will have to be dropped off at the gate. Food deliveries or other packages can NOT be dropped off at the gate or with PMO personnel.
Drivers may NOT access as trusted travelers (escorted by their fare).
DBIDS passes will be electronically limited to 90 days. Upon showing proof (at the VCC) that the driver is still employed by the taxi, ride share, or food delivery company, the pass will be extended for 90 additional days.
The VCC will print on driver DBIDS cards “For Ride-Share/Food Delivery Access Only.” Gate personnel shall require Ride-Share/Food Delivery drivers to show cellphone APP that indicates fare or delivery on MCINCR-MCBQ.